I collected and still collect a bunch of bookmarks and mostly was keeping them for myself. As I sorted them in wonderful little folders I thought it would be nicer to share them. Thats why this blog has now more pages:

  1. All of my Collage Material which is a lot. Sadly some links are have rotten because of copyright or server costs but there are still a lot of links for you to browse through
  2. Tools added a few tools for Live Coding where have mostly no idea. But also added my best tools for terrain and heightmapping which I now use in GoldShot, where I use the Terrain3D Addon too
  3. And I moved a lot of sites into a folder so some links might be broken by myself but they are all still online like the wonderful Links for the IndieWeb

I still plan to add my texture, PBR and obscure game dev stuff to another list. And I just did! Gamedev Ressources
