I did not use all these tools here but some of them ..and the rest might feel cool to you too. I saved them over the years so I want to share them with you
Here is my selection:
Small Game Engines
- Bitsy ~ a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories ~
- Bitsy 3D - bitsy but in 3D :O
- Bipsi - a bitsy like
- Decker interactive multimedia
Best Quality of Life Tools
- Materialize open source for making PBR materials out of a single texture
- BackPakcer A channel packing application for 3D material image files
- MagickUtils A ImageMagick a graphic way (GUI) of editing multiple images (also convert .heic format to .jpg so your pc can work with the images from an iphone.
- ShoeBox Texture Ripper
- PureRef easy all you want referance software
- cutsy clip and covert videos
- dither me this
- ordered dither maker
- didder An extensive, fast, and accurate command-line image dithering tool.
- Ultra Effects | Part 9 - Obra Dithering An article about shaders
- Ditherpunk a article about monochrome image dithering
- Ditherpunk a dev-log article about real-time 3D dithering
- Hypnospace productivity lesson #1 Make your graphics look like crusty old web graphics by Jay Tholen (can also be done in aseprite now under Sprite-Color Mode-More Options-and then there is dithering selection like this
- How to paint with dithering in aseprite
- Ditherpunk a dev-log article about real-time 3D dithering
- Dither in 3D another approach and good explanation of Lukes Method about real-time 3D dithering
Hypertext langues and interactive fiction
- Yarn Spinner for books make choose your own adventure books with it
- Adventureon Classroom Create TEXT ADVENTURE games in your browser.
- Inform 7
- Calibo
- ink
- binksi bipsi + ink
- BITSY + TWINE a article about combining bitsy and twine
- PowerQuest a unity adventure framework with great dev posts
Pixel Art Tools
- Pixel Unwrapper UV unwrapping for pixel art. Add-on for Blender
- Pribambase Blender works with Aseprite now. Add-on for Blender
- cleanEdge a pixel art upscaling algorithm for clean rotations
- Sprite Stack or
- Stacked Sprite Viewer for Aseprite
- Aseprite Extensions by ThKasparr
3D Tools / Blender Addons
- ReSprytile Blender add-on for building tile based worlds 3D Pixel Art or Crocotile3D
- Magica Voxel - best Voxel art programm
- Pixel Unwrapper - UV unwrapping for pixel art. Add-on for Blender
- DreamUV Blender add-on reusable textures like tiling textures, trimsheets, hotspot and texture atlases
- fSpy for matching perspective
- complify compostion and lighting made with Ian Hubert
- MinionsArt 3D stylized Tutorials espieccally the lazy unwrappings one
Pico 8 Tools
- Wobblepaint
- PicoCAD
- picoSynth
- PicoShop Pro
- Music Theory for making music in pico 8 with the build in tools
- Picotron cant wait what this fantatsy workstation will do
- Sheet Sites by Chia Amisola on how to use google sheets as an easiy collaborative database
- Use Google Sheets for phone friendly webapps (using a third party service) but its just a hobby
- CSS for CSS Baby 1-5 by
- How to Build a Low-Tech Website
- XOXO Festival Talk by Molly white Web3 is a dumpster fire
- HTML is for people (I like Markdown more ;))
- A guide for Eleventy as a static site generator so the blog posts can be written in markdown
- CSS Flexbox Froggy learn CSS
- Electric Zine Maker
- Hammer++ updated Source Level Editor
- TrenchBroom Level Editor
- Quad64 a open source Super Mario 64 level editor
- Spout for realtime usage of video in for example godot
- Shade for IOS Visual Shader black magic app just like unity, unreal or godot
- sumatra pdf reader a reader that does not sell you anything and its lightweigt
- Kopia Open Source File Backup with UI an active open source file incremental and full file backup client. Here is a Bonus Tip
- GB Studio
- Engines Database
- Game UI Databse
- Textures for VFX - Database
- Game Making Tools Wiki
- Cool (and fun) Tools curated by alienmelon
- lets get creative in a hobbiest way
- low tech tools by 100rabbits
- Cool Tools curated by alienmelon
- Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup curated by everestpipkin
- Godot Shaders
- GIF Cities
- Comprehensive Games with Level Editors - Google Drive
- Kenney art assets for prototyping